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作者:    来源:     点击数:       时间:2017-12-07     【打印文章】

报告题目 String Landscape, Swampland, Cosmic Censorship Conjecture and Wald Formalism


时间2017129号 下午15:30-16:30





As an informal blackboard talk, I like to first share you something exciting to me, namely 10 criteria to distinguish the theory in the swampland from string landscape, where the relation between cosmic censorship conjecture (CCC) and weak gravity conjecture will be especially addressed. After this, I will review Wald's old and new versions of gedanken experiments to test CCC by trying to destroy the existing black holes, where Wald formalism will be presented in a concise way. With this detour preparation, I like to report you our very recent work along this line, namely applying the new version of gedanken experiment to test CCC by perturbing 5-dimensional Myers-Perry black holes. I would be happy to demonstrate you a variety of subtleties and pitfalls in our work if you are interested.



张宏宝,北京师范大学副教授,于北京大学获得硕士学位,获加拿大圆周理论物理研究所、滑铁卢大学以及北京师范大学联合培养并取得博士学位。曾在希腊克里特大学、布鲁塞尔自由大学、国际索尔维研究所从事博士后研究,获得比利时国家研究基金会FWO Fellow称号。研究方向包括全息引力、黑洞、数值广义相对论等。在理论物理领域著名期刊发表论文40余篇,被引用500余次,是相对论与引力领域有一定影响力的青年学者。




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