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作者:    来源:     点击数:       时间:2018-04-23     【打印文章】



报告题目: Study of Data Reconstruction Based Subspace Clustering Problems

   人: 汕头大学

李宝华 教授

    间:   2017425上午11:00-12:00

    点:   理生楼多功能厅A513


Subspace clustering has been a hot research topic recently. Among a large number of approaches, the data reconstruction based methods have become one of the popular strategy; and the relevant performances and their mathematical theory have attracted great attention in recent years. We thus focus on the data reconstruction based subspace clustering problems in this talk. After providing a survey, we show the body of the slide. In this lecture, we introduce the k-support norm regularization method , mixture Gaussian regression method and multiplicative noises denoising method to group the given datasets respectively. Furthermore, we also provide the theory guarantees to justify the proposed models. The new models have been proved by the full experiments as well.







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