


尹建东,男,理学博士,教授,博士生导师,20169月赴韩国忠南大学访学一年, 主要研究领域有:动力系统、分形几何和非线性泛函分析; 在国内外著名数学期刊上发表学术论文60余篇(其中SCI收录40余篇); 主持国家自然科学项目3项,参与国家自然科学基金2项,主持省部级科研项目5项;已培养研究生20多人,他们或在国内985高校深造(攻读博士学位)或在高等院校或南昌市重点中学任教。






2007.7-现在 南昌大学理学院 教师

2000.8-2001.8 江西省永新县任弼时中学 教师


邮箱:yjdaxf@163.com; jiandongyin@ncu.edu.cn

地址:江西省南昌市红谷滩新区学府大道999 330301


[1] 国家自然科学基金项目(地区基金):含有真的弱几乎周期点的amenable作用的动力性状研究, 12061043, 32, 2021,1--2024,12.(在研)

[2] 国家自然科学基金项目(地区基金):半群作用满测度中心系统的动力性状研究, 11661054, 36, 2017,1--2020,12.(已结题)

[3] 国家自然科学基金项目(地区基金):含有真的弱几乎周期点系统的动力性状研究, 11261039, 30, 2013,1--2016,12.(已结题)

[4] 江西省科技厅基金项目:自相似集的结构与满测度中心系统的动力性状研究, 2013,7-2016,6.(已结题)

[5] 江西省科技厅青年基金项目: 满足开集条件自相似集的若干理论研究2008.(已结题)

[6] 江西省教育厅基金项目: 自相似集与非线性算子的动力学行为. (已结题)

[7] 江西省科技厅基金项目:上凸密度与弱几乎周期系统的非线性动力性状研究 20114BAB201006. (已结题)

[8] 江西省教育厅基金重点项目:Banach空间中一类非线性算子的动力性状及其应用研究, 编号:GJJ1500028. (已结题)


[1] Jiandong Yin*, Zuoling Zhou. An Equivalent Condition for the Full Hausdorff Measure of a Subset of the Set of Finite Type. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 2011, 41(6): 2097--2105 (SCI).

[2] Jiandong Yin*, Zuoling Zhou. A characterization of topologically transitive attributes for a class of dynamical systems. Chinese Anals of Mathematics Series B, 2012, 33(3): 419--428(SCI).

[3] Jiandong Yin*, Zuoling Zhou. Positive upper density points and chaos, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2012, 32B(4): 1408--1414 (SCI).

[4] Jiandong Yin*, Zuoling Zhou. An equivalent condition for the self similar sets on the real line to have best coverings.  Acta Mathematica Sinica-English Series, 2013, 29(9):  1637-1646 (SCI).

[5] Weihong He, Jiandong Yin*,  Zuoling Zhou. On quasi-weakly almost periodic points, Sci China Math, 2013, 56(2): 597--606 (SCI, 通讯作者).

[6] Qi Yan, Jiandong Yin*, Tao Wang, A note on quasi-weakly almost periodic point, Acta Mathematica Sinica-English Series, 2015, 31(4): 637-646 (学生第一作者, 本人通讯作者)(SCI).

[7] Jiandong Yin*,  Zuoling Zhou. Weakly Almost Periodic Points and Some Chaotic Properties of Dynamical Systems. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2015, 25(9): 15500115, 10pages (SCI)

[8] Tao Wang, Jiandong Yin*, Qi Yan.  Several transitive properties and Devaney's chaos. Acta Math. Sin. Ser B, 2016, 32(3): 373-383(学生第一作者, 本人通讯作者)(SCI)

[9] Qi Yan, Jiandong Yin*, Ballesteros M. Weiling Wu. Banach Upper Density Recurrent Points of C0-flows. Acta Math. Sci. Ser B, 2016, 32(11):  1312-1322. (学生第一作者, 本人通讯作者)(SCI)

[10] Qi Yan, Jiandong Yin*. Some weak specification properties and mixing property. Chinese Annals of Mathematics Series B, 2017, 38(5): 1111-1118.(学生第一作者, 本人通讯作者)(SCI)

[11] Qianqian Leng, Jiandong Yin*. Fixed point theorems on generalized cone metric spaces over Banach algebras and applications. Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, 2018, 55(6): 1513-1528 .(学生第一作者, 本人通讯作者)(SCI)

[12] Qi Yan, Jiandong Yin*. On quasi-weakly almost periodic points of continuous flows. Acta Math. Sin. Ser B, 2019,35(2):257-269. (学生第一作者, 本人通讯作者)(SCI)

[13] Bin Ling, Xiaoxiao Nie, Jiandong Yin*. Weakly almost periodic points and chaotic dynamics of discrete amenable group actions. Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, 2019, 56 (1): 39-52.(学生第一作者, 本人通讯作者)(SCI)

[14]Xiaoxiao Nie, Jiandong Yin*. On the transitivity and sensitivity of group actions, Dynamical systems- An international journal, 2019, 34(4): 710-728(学生第一作者, 本人通讯作者) (SCI)

[15] Yanjie Tang, Jiandong Yin*. Distributional chaos occurring on a subset of proper positive upper Banach density recurrent points of one-sided symbolic systems. Acta Mathematica Sinica-English Series., 2020, 36(1): 66-76. (学生第一作者, 本人通讯作者)(SCI)

[16] Yanjie Tang, Jiandong Yin*. Distributional chaos and distributional chaos in asequence occurring on a subset of the one-sided symbolic system. Bulletin of The Korean Mathematica Society, 2020, 57(1): 95-108.(学生第一作者, 本人通讯作者)(SCI)

[17] Zhumin Ding, Jiandong Yin*, Xiaofang Luo. The multi-transitivity of free semigroup actions. Stochastics and Dynamics,, 2020, 20(5), Article ID: 2050040,(学生第一作者, 本人通讯作者)(SCI)

[18] Xiaofang Luo, Xiaoxiao Nie, Jiandong Yin*. On the Shadowing Property and Shadowable Point of Set-valued Dynamical Systems. Acta Mathematica Sinica-English Series, 2020, 36 (12) , 1384-1394.(学生第一作者, 本人通讯作者)(SCI)

[19] Zhumin Ding, Xiaoxiao Nie, Jiandong Yin*, On sensitive sets and regionally proximal sets of group actions, Semigroup Forum , 2021, 102(2), 408-421.学生第一作者, 本人通讯作者) (SCI)

[20]Yanjie Tang, Jiandong Yin*. The dynamics of nonautonomous dynamical systems with the large deviations theorem. Dynamical systems- An international journal, 2021, 36 (3), 416-426 在线发表 (学生第一作者, 本人通讯作者) (SCI)

[21] Jiandong Yin* Meihua Dong. Topological stability and shadowing of dynamical systems from measure theoretical viewpoint. Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. 2021, 58 (1), 307-321.(SCI)



School of Mathermatics and Computer Sciences,Nanchang Uniersity







