



E-mail: qwtang@ncu.edu.cn


2004.9——2008.7 东北林业大学 物理学 学士;

2008.7——2009.7 甘肃高台县中等专业学校 教师;

2009.9——2012.6 广西大学 理论物理 硕士;

2012.9——2015.6 南京大学 天体物理 博士;

20132014 台湾清华大学 访问学者)

2015.6——2019.12 南昌大学 物理系 讲师,博士后;

2016.10-2017.10 俄亥俄州立大学 访问学者)

2019.12 至今 南昌大学 物理系 副教授。








(一)简述:主持国家自然科学基金3项,省级科研课题3项,在国际物理与天文主流期刊(PRLNature AstronomyApJPRD等)发表原创研究论文26篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者13篇,SCI引用670次。其中亮点论文4篇,1篇被《Scientific American》、《ScienceNews》、《Physics Today》等专题报道并被物理评论快报选为PRL编辑推荐和在美国物理学会APS Synopsis专题报道,1篇被 NewScientist》专题报道, 1篇被美国天文学会AAS Nova专题报道,1篇被遴选为国际期刊Ap&SS封面论文。


[1] Qing-Wen, Tang(*); Kai Wang(*); Liang Li; Ruo-Yu Liu(*) Prevalence of Extra Power-Law Spectral Components in Short Gamma-Ray Bursts, The Astrophysical Journal, 2021 , in press (SCI)

[2] Ming, Xu(*); Qing-Wen, Tang Two X-Ray Plateaus of Gamma-Ray Bursts: Energy Injection from Nascent Magnetars, The Astrophysical Journal, 911, 76 2021 (SCI)

[3] Tao, Zhang; Fu-Wen, Shu(*); Qing-Wen, Tang(*) ; Dong-Hui, Du Constraints on HoravaLifshitz gravity from GRB 170817A, European Physical Journal C, 2020, 80, 1062(SCI)

[4] Xing-Xing, Hu(*); Jumpei, Takata(*); Qing-Wen, Tang(*) GeV emission of gamma-ray binary with pulsar scenario, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020, 494, 3699-3711(SCI)

[5] Qi-Qi, Zhou; Shuang-Xi, Yi(*); Xiao-Li, Huang; Shu-Qin, Zhong; Yuan-Chuan, Zou(*); Qing-Wen, Tang(*); Zhi-Fu, Chen(*) GRB 161017A, the circumburst environment is an intermediate regime between the homogeneous interstellar medium and wind-type medium, International Journal of Modern Physics D, 2020, 29, 6(SCI)

[6] Linden, Tim(*); Zhou, Bei; Beacom, John F.; Peter, Annika H. G.; Ng, Kenny C. Y.; Tang, Qing-Wen(*) Evidence for a New Component of High-Energy Solar Gamma-Ray Production, Physical Review Letters, 2018, 121(131103) (SCI)

[7] Tang, Qing-Wen(*); Ng, Kenny C. Y. (*); Linden, Tim; Zhou, Bei; Beacom, John F.; Peter, Annika H. G. Unexpected Dip in the Solar Gamma-Ray Spectrum, Physical Review D, 2018 (SCI)

[8] Si, Shu-Kun; Qi, Yan-Qing; Xue, Feng-Xia; Liu, Ya-Jie; Wu, Xiao; Yi, Shuang-Xi(*); Tang, Qing-Wen(*); Zou, Yuan-Chuan; Wang, Fei-Fei; Wang, Xiang-Gao The Three-parameter Correlations About the Optical Plateaus of Gamma-Ray Bursts, The Astrophysical Journal, 2018, 863(50) (SCI)

[9] Tang, Qing-Wen(*) Discovery of GeV gamma-ray emission from the LMC B0443-6657 with the Fermi Large Area Telescope, Astrophysics and Space Science, 2018, 363(25) (SCI)

[10] Tang, Qing-Wen(*); Wang, Xiang-Yu; Liu, Ruo-Yu Evidence of an Internal Dissipation Origin for the High-energy Prompt Emission of GRB Origin for the High-energy Prompt Emission of GRB 170214A, The Astrophysical Journal, 2017,844(56) (SCI)

[11] Tang, Qing-Wen(*); Peng, Fang-Kun; Liu, Ruo-Yu; Tam, Pak-Hin Thomas; Wang, Xiang-Yu Evidence of a Spectral Break in the Gamma-Ray Emission of the Disk Component of the Large Magellanic Cloud: A Hadronic Origin?, The Astrophysical Journal, 2017, 843(42) (SCI)

[12] Tang, Qing-Wen; Peng, Fang-Kun; Wang, Xiang-Yu(*); Tam, Pak-Hin Thomas Measuring the Bulk Lorentz Factors of Gamma-Ray Bursts with Fermi, The Astrophysical Journal, 2015, 806(194) (SCI).

[13] Tang, Qing-Wen; Wang, Xiang-Yu(*); Tam, Pak-Hin Thomas Discovery of GeV Emission from the Direction of the Luminous Infrared Galaxy NGC 2146, The Astrophysical Journal, 2014, 794(26) (SCI).

[14] Tang, Qing-Wen; Tam, Pak-Hin Thomas(*); Wang, Xiang-Yu(*) An Inverse Compton Origin for the 55 GeV Photon in the Late Afterglow of GRB 130907A, The Astrophysical Journal, 2014, 788(156) (SCI).

[15] Peng, Fang-Kun; Tang, Qing-Wen; Wang, Xiang-Yu(*) Search for High-energy Gamma-ray Emission from Tidal Disruption Events with the Fermi Large Area Telescope, The Astrophysical Journal, 2016,825(47) (SCI).

[16] Tam, Pak-Hin Thomas(*); Tang, Qing-Wen; Hou, Shu-Jin; Liu, Ruo-Yu; Wang, Xiang-Yu(*) Discovery of an Extra Hard Spectral Component in the High-energy Afterglow Emission of GRB 130427AThe Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2013,771(L13) (SCI).

[17] Zhang, B.-B. (*); Zhang, B. (*); ;Tang, Q,-W.; et al. Transition from fireball to Poynting-flux-dominated outflow in the three-episode GRB 160625B, Nature Astronomy, 2018,269-75 (SCI).

[18] Tam, Pak-Hin Thomas(*); He, Xin-Bo; Tang, Qing-Wen; Wang, Xiang-Yu An Evolving GeV Spectrum from Prompt to Afterglow: The Case of GRB 160509A, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2017, 844(L7) (SCI).

[19] Peng, Fang-Kun; Wang, Xiang-Yu(*); Liu, Ruo-Yu; Tang, Qing-Wen; Wang, Jun-Feng First Detection of GeV Emission from an Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxy: Arp 220 as Seen with the Fermi Large Area Telescope, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2016, 821(L20) (SCI).

[20] Liang, En-Wei(*); Li, Liang; Gao, He; Zhang, Bing; Liang, Yun-Feng; Wu, Xue-Feng; Yi, Shuang-Xi; Dai, Zi-Gao; Tang, Qing-Wen; et al. A Comprehensive Study of Gamma-Ray Burst Optical Emission. II. Afterglow Onset and Late Re-brightening Components, The Astrophysical Journal , 2013, 774(13) (SCI).

[21] Li, Liang; Liang, En-Wei(*); Tang, Qing-Wen; et al. A Comprehensive Study of Gamma-Ray Burst Optical Emission. I. Flares and Early Shallow-decay Component, The Astrophysical Journal , 2012, 758(27) (SCI).


[1] 主持国家自然科学基金项目《太阳高能和甚高能伽马辐射的奇异行为研究》(2021.12024.12)(项目编号:12065017)经费:38万,在

[2] 主持国家自然科学基金项目《伽玛射线暴高能辐射的新特征研究》(2020.12022.12)(项目编号:11903017)经费:25万,在

[3] 主持国家自然科学基金项目《宇宙线粒子加速与传播效应的研究》(2016.12018.12)(项目编号:11547029)经费:21万,结题;

[4] 主持江西省自然科学基金青年项目《伽玛射线暴高能光子起源的研究》 2016.12018.12)(项目编号:20161BAB211007)结题;

[5] 主持江西省人力资源与社会保障厅博士后择优项目《伽玛暴混沌行为研究》(2016.92018.6)(项目编号:2016KY17)结题;

[6] 主持江西省教育厅青年基金青年项目《伽玛暴高能光子辐射研究》(2016.12018.12)(项目编号:GJJ150078)结题。


School of Mathermatics and Computer Sciences,Nanchang Uniersity







