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刘华文,谢爱芳,李钢, 2019年山东省自然科学奖二等奖,模糊逻辑框架下的决策与推理 (本人排名第二)。


[1] Aifang Xie, Zhihong Yi, Construction of 2-uninorms on bounded lattices, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems 19 (2022)189-200.

[2] Aifang Xie, Structure of uninorms not locally internal on the boundary, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 433 (2022) 176-193.

[3] Aifang Xie, Sanjiang Li, On constructing the largest and smallest uninorms on bounded lattices, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 386 (2020) 95-104.

[4] Aifang Xie, On the extension of nullnorms and uninorms to fuzzy truth values, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 352 (2018) 92-118.

[5] Aifang Xie, Guiying Fang,Fuzzy Implications Generated by h-Generators, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 25 (6) (2017) 929-945.

[6] Aifang Xie, Yong Su, Huawen Liu, On pseudo-homogeneous triangular norms, triangular conorms and proper uninorms, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 287 (2016) 203-212.

[7] Aifang Xie, Huawen Liu, A generalization of Yagers f-generated implications, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 54 (2013) 35-46.

[8] Aifang Xie, Huawen Liu, On the distributivity of uninorms over nullnorms, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 211 (2013) 62-72.

[9] Aifang Xie, Cheng Li, Huawen Liu, Distributive Equations of Fuzzy Implications based on Continuous Triangular Conorms given as Ordinal Sums, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 21 (3) (2013) 541-554.

[10] Aifang Xie, Huawen Liu, Fengxia Zhang, Cheng Li, On the distributivity of fuzzy implications over continuous Archimedean t-conorms and continuous t-conorms given as ordinal sums, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 205 (2012) 76-100.

[11] Aifang Xie, Huawen Liu, Feng Qin, Zilin Zeng, Solutions to the functional equation for three types of fuzzy implications derived from uninorms, Information Sciences 186 (2012) 209-221.

[12] Aifang Xie, Feng QinSolutions to the functional equation for a continuous D-operation, Information Sciences 180 (2010) 2487-2497.

[13] Yong Su, Aifang Xie, Huawen Liu, On ordinal sum implications, Information Sciences 293 (2015) 251-262.

[14] Feng Qin, M. Baczy´nski, Aifang Xie, Distributive Equations of Implications Based on Continuous Triangular Norms (I), IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 21 (2012) 153-167.


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